
Work Hard, Play Smart!

by Audrey Dolan, 2018 – 2019 Literacy First tutor Whenever you move somewhere new, you always want to go out and explore to see what your new city has to offer. In Austin, that’s […]

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Eat Like an AmeriCorps Member

By Elizabeth Zimmerman, 2018-2019 Literacy First Tutor Most people think that living on the (admittedly small) AmeriCorps stipend means that you have to sacrifice your favorite foods or give up eating out to save money. There […]

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The Power of Perseverance

Some Literacy First students begin our program very far behind: their reading skills are more than one grade level lower than the state guidelines for their current grade. For these […]

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I DO Want to be a Teacher!

Literacy First tutors take a multitude of paths after their service. Many discover a passion for education and a talent for teaching, like returning tutor Bilyesia. Last year, she told […]

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Enjoy the Show

Edmond, a second-year tutor, vividly describes the rewards of seeing the transformation of a child as they learn to read in this essay. Thanks, Edmond! By Edmond Carroll, 2017-18 Literacy […]

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Discovering My Path

Many Literacy First tutors come to the program with an unchanneled drive to create social change and leave with a clear sense of their next steps. Amy, a first-year tutor, […]

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